We BUY and SELL Homes!
Specializing in homes 800-1500 sf
in central South Carolina
Sell Your Home Fast!
Stop Foreclosure
Homes for Sale
Why we are better than Realtors
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Who are The Home Flippers.com?

We are a group of investors in the Lexington, SC area who are interested in purchasing and renovating local homes in Lexington County. We are not Realtors, nor do we work on commission - we buy the homes outright. 

TheHomeFlippers.com is owned and operated by Lexington County residents - not part of a national franchise. Because we are local and not a large out-of-state corporation, we have a vested interest in assisting fellow Lexington County homeowners. 

The ideal home for us is 1000-2000 sf in size, which needs minor repairs or renovating (although we will consider larger homes). After we complete the renovations, we place it on the market for sale. 

The benefit for a seller to use TheHomeFlippers.com is that we will buy your home "AS IS". As you know, a Realtor will want you to make repairs and aesthetic renovations (new carpeting, painting, etc.) to your home before they want to place it on the market. This is typically $4,000 - $10,000 out of your pocket that you probably don't have. With TheHomeFlippers.com, you will not have any of these expenses - we buy your home "as is".

When you list your home with a realtor, you will also have to come up with the closing costs when your home is sold - which can be an additional $5,000 - $15,000, depending upon the value of your home. You will not pay Realtor or Closing Fees with TheHomeFlippers.com

With TheHomeFlippers.com, you will not have any "up-front" money to pay (which you may not have). Nor will you have to risk waiting months for your house to sell (and pay the Realtor a huge commission when it finally sells). 

TheHomeFlippers.com takes the risk away from you by paying you up front for your home so that you can move on with your life. However, we still have to recoup these costs (and hopefully make a little profit) - therefore we will pay you less than full market value for your home - it is usually quite close to what you would pay to have a Realtor sell your home. 

Although the costs to use TheHomeFlippers.com and a Realtor are about the same, there is a big difference! You get your money up front and avoid the risk of unexpected expenses or your house being on the market for a long time. 

Please call or email us. We realize that our program may not be for everyone - some people would rather wait until a Realtor sells their home before collecting their profits. We will, however, be happy to discuss your situation. Of course, all inquiries and consultations are completely free with absolutely no obligation. If we can't find a way to get you what you need in a way that works for us as well, we'll tell you so and part friends. Again, there's absolutely no obligation on your part and all consultations are completely free.

Glenn & Harriet Oster
David & Mary Koenig
Martin Essien

CALL NOW: 803-361-2739
or email Info@TheHomeFlippers.com
For a No Obligation Analysis of your Property

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